Accuracy at its best
Incredibly Accurate

Confidence of > 80%.

Our website provides a confidence level of each file over 80%. This is level of accuracy is very hard to achieve.
Terribly Convenient

General format of text

the generated text in provided in a simple text file in easy to read format and can easily be converted into any format
available file formats

Client privacy is important.

The website can be used for any kind of documents. The user privacy is our first priority hence not a single file is stored on a server for more than its required

Features offered

Secure LoginIn this era of internet we provide best security for the transimission of sensitive info over the net.
Secure librariesIt’s scary to imagine a leak of secure info. Hence to insure safety only the trusted libraries are used.
ANTI-THEFTWe take pride in informing that our website is fully capable of countering various attacks used to steel user info.
TIME SAVINGOur extractor API is very efficient and hence consumes a average of 2 mins for extracting the text that to with efficiency of over 80%.
Supported LANGUAGEPresently our website only supports english text extraction. But we hope as we progress we may cover other languages.
CLIENT PRIVACYUser may use this extractor for any purpose no questions will be asked nor any record of past uses will be recorded